The concept of value is traditionally bestowed on a work of art when it is seen to be unique and irreproducible , thereby granting it authenticity. Think of a famous painting: only the original canvas commands genuinely prices. Digital artwork is not valued in the same way. It can be copied infinitely and there is therefore a corresponding crisis of value. It has been argued that under these conditions of the dematerialized artwork, it is process that becomes valued. In this way, the process of creation and creativity is valued in place of authenticity, undermining conventional notions of authorship. (Taken from the paper "The Authorship of Generative Art" written by Adrian Ward and Geoff Cox).
For the beginning I have to say
something about the definition of the authorship.
The most frequent and the shortest is: “authorship
is the act of creating something”. There are two
very important key words used: “the act of
creating”. Using IT terminology “the act of
creating“ could correspond with “the process”. The
basic model of generative art is composed of four
phases: idea, program code, process, selection of
results. The autonomy degree of the process is the
key of the authorship of the result. Next question
about the process is: does the input could make the
process more or less generative?
Writing about the authorship of
generative art is very thankless task. Nearly
everyone has his own view, his own explanation about
the matter. My opinion is that the real generative
process couldn’t have any input. It has to be
dependent only on the code and the time. The
authorship of such a process or results from my
point of view is not only human. The least of all I
can say that it is undefined. With a little bit of
boldness I can put a credit to the system
“time-code”. If there is an input is necessary to
valuate it if it belongs from stochastic process or
from a willful human action. In the first case I
think the input has no any effect to the authorship.
In the second case the effect to the authorship
depends on the construction of program algorithm,
that could permit or not any control action from
outside of the process. For the real generative
program there is not any difference if someone is
the author of the code or is only the person who
sets in motion the process using the program code of
an other. The result has to be dependent exclusively
on the “gene” created in the beginning of the
process. The comparison with the human conception
could be very useful.
I want to accent that the
programming concept has the main influence to the
authorship of the final result. There are two basic
concept of developing programs: pragmatic and
algorithmic approach. For example: let take a simple
program that draw red colored square 100 per 100
pixels in the middle of the screen. Every time we
run such a program we get the same image. We can
compare this with the use of Photoshop and draw the
mentioned square. The next step is to develop the
program that could draw a great number of squares
(different dimension, different colors and different
position – all element chosen by program). We are
still drawing squares but the composition of the
image is always different. In the pragmatic concept
the great part of the authorship we can put to
program author’s credit.
Algorithmic approach opens
serious questions about the authorship. All
parameters of the result are based exclusively on
mathematical formula, algorithmic paths and gene’s
combination. No one, neither author of the program
could predict the way that the actual process could
take. So the result is absolutely unpredictable from
all possible points of view. Neither the author of
the program nor the other person who triggers the
process have nothing to do with authorship. From my
point of view the authorship depends of the system
“code-time” composed of “code as the creation of
human being and time as the creation of God”.